The right resources to improve access to learning

Many schools in Tanzania are severely under-resourced, with up to 10 children sharing one textbook. This severely hampers learning, makes the teacher's job even harder, and leaves students feeling frustrated by their lack of progress. 

We believe books are a basic right for learners. Therefore, the schools we work with have a development target of one book per desk (3 students), per subject, for every year group. 

This will give all students access to a book during lessons, while teachers will no longer need to spend the majority of their time writing exercises on the blackboard. Instead, they will be able to get through their lesson plan - giving their students a much better chance to learn.



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We need to buy more and more text books,
please help if you are able


We also have a link with No Barriers Foundation to provide easy reading books to help the students with their English and read for pleasure.